Who is liable when blind spots lead to truck accidents?

On Behalf of | Jul 29, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

When driving, everyone will benefit from being aware of potential blind spot risks. Truck drivers in particular shouldn’t ignore the dangers of blind zones since an oversized vehicle could cause massive damage to a smaller car. Truck drivers aren’t always at fault for blind spot-related crashes on Illinois roads; sometimes, a car’s driver will commit an ill-advised lane change and place the vehicle out of view and into danger.

Trucks and blind spots

Truck accidents happen for many reasons, and negligence is often the reason. The U.S. Department of Transportation reveals that 400,000 trucking accidents happen each year, which is why trucking professionals need to be very careful. The blind spots behind and to the side of a truck are substantial. Even the front of a tractor-trailer has a lengthy blind spot, highlighting one reason why other drivers must stay alert.

A driver who cuts in front of a truck might not realize that he or she is entering a dangerous blind spot. Cutting off the truck could be a moving violation, putting some or all negligence on the car driver’s shoulders. Even though the car might suffer the worst damage, the truck driver may not be liable for the collision.

Negligence and truck collisions

Questions about negligence may become prominent when investigating the reasons for trucking accidents. If a truck driver does not check the side and rear-view mirrors or look over his or her shoulder before changing lanes, such behavior could be negligent.

Sometimes, both the car and truck drivers involved in a crash share some negligence. In such scenarios, damage awards could reflect the percentage of fault. A driver who is 40% at fault might receive a 40% reduction in his or her insurance settlement or jury award.

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